Flower Farm

October 23, 2017
9:39 PM

          Okay, I missed yesterday’s entry. Whatever! I was dog-tired. I, together with my friends Krishna, Kim, and Harvey Joy, went to Eden’s Flower Farm in Lemblisong, Kablon. It was rather a long and tiring journey on our way there. The road would give you the feel of riding in a roller coaster. It was fun although there were only the four of us. I enjoyed taking pictures with them. My Fujifilm XA3 did not disappoint me. We brought cake as well, which was really delicious. I took home the leftover and it was still inside our fridge. We went straight to Marbel after, and met with our friend, Izah. He just finished his Compre Exams. I was reminded of the time I took those exams. I really thought I was a goner because they were all difficult, but thank God I passed all of them.
          It’s Monday, and it’s the start of our MPRE. I only stayed in school for half a day, and went home to sleep. I decided that I would include pictures in my posts. I use my laptop in typing my entries – from MS word to blogger, so it’s kind of difficult to upload photos because the photos are in my phone. I will try later how I’m gonna make it work.
          I’m still obsessing over IT and Jaeden Lieberher and the rest of the IT kids. I watched St. Vincent again today. How cute Jaeden was in that film. I’ve been binge-watching youtube videos too. Ugh! It’s unhealthy. I hope I can get over them very soon!

          Okay, I gotta watch a film now – Hidden Figures – for the nth time. I’m gonna go to NDMU tomorrow, so… yeah. Until tomorrow.
